Mieka Olive Oil Soap- 6 Options

Mieka Olive Oil Soaps are luxurious moisturizing soaps that are excellent for sensitive or dry skin and wonderful for anyone searching for a rich cleansing experience. Options include: Naked, Lavender, Honey and Oats, Shea Butter, Lemongrass & Poppy Seed, and Rose.  3.75 oz

Our traditional Mediterranean soaps are entirely handcrafted, using only simple wholesome ingredients. Each batch is prepared with special care to ensure that the qualities of the ingredients can fully benefit the skin. The result is a moisturizing soap gentle enough for the most sensitive skin, and luxurious enough for anyone to enjoy.

Naked - all skin types; pure Mediterranean luxury; natural & lovely

Lavender - all skin types; soothing/restorative; for baby & delicate skin

Honey & Oats - extra dry/itchy skin; honey & oatmeal & shea butter; healing

Shea Butter - dry skin; with lavender & eucalyptus; hydrating

Lemongrass & Poppy Seed -  oily skin; refreshing; tones and reduces redness

Rose -  sensitive or mature skin; with rose kaolin clay; calming & hydrating
